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Learn about mosquitoes while you self-isolate!

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Arghhh mates! It's time for a mosquito breeding hunt while you self-isolate! 

We know that everyone must do their part to self-isolate, but that doesn't mean you can't spend time outdoors. Grab your pirate mask and map and step into your backyard! Look for hidden mosquito breeding sources that may be lurking in your yard! 

Download the map and mask here

Additional Children Activites and Worksheets:

Mosquito Anatomy Coloring Worksheet!Mosquito Worksheets!Color your own mosquito mask!

Printable insect coloring pages!

Have some fun, get up and do the mosquito dance with the District's Education Coordinator! 

Did you know that there are 26 species of mosquitoes in Orange County? But there are only two species of concern to our residents and visitors. Learn more about the mosquitoes of concern by watching this video.


Test your mosquito knowledge!
Test your mosquito knowledge!


Additional Educational Mosquito Games:

Play fight the bite here!